1. A boy referred to a genetics clinic was found to have 1 drumstick in blood neutrophils. The boy is likely to have the following syndrome:
A 26-year-old female consulted a doctor about having stool with white flat moving organisms resembling noodles. Laboratory analysis revealed proglottids with the following characteristics: long, narrow, with a longitudinal channel of the uterus with 17-35 lateral branches on each side. What kind of intestinal parasite was found?
Amniocentesis revealed two sex chromatin bodies (Barr bodies) in each cell of the sample. What disease is this character typical for?
4. An 18-year-old male has been diagnosed with Marfan syndrome. Examination revealed a developmental disorder of connective tissue and eye lens structure, abnormalities of the cardiovascular system, arachnodactylia. What genetic phenomenon has caused the development of this disease?
A female patient saught medical-genetic consultation. Physical examination revealed pterygium colli deformity (webbed neck), broad chest, underdeveloped breasts. Study of buccal epithelium cells revealed no X-chromatin in the nuclei. This indicates that the patient has the following syndrome:
When defining blood group according to the ABO system, using salt solutions of monoclonal antibodies, agglutination didn’t occur with any of the solutions. What blood group is it?
A female suffered rubella during pregnancy. The child was born with developmental abnormalities, namely cleft lip and palate. The child’s genotype is normal. These malformations are a manifestation of:
During cell division, DNA replication occurs by a signal from the cytoplasm, and a certain portion of the DNA helix unwinds and splits into two individual strains. What enzyme facilitates this process?
As an example of specific human parasites one can name Plasmodium falciparum, human pin worm and some others. The source of parasite invasion is always a human. Such specific human parasites cause the diseases that are called:
10. The organisms to be identified have a nucleus surrounded by a nuclear membrane. Genetic material is concentrated predominantly in the chromosomes which consist of DNA strands and protein molecules. These cells divide mitotically. Identify these organisms:
A 2-year-old boy is diagnosed with Down syndrome. What chromosomal changes may be the cause of this disease?
An underage patient has signs of achondroplasia (dwarfism). It is known that this is a monogenic disease and the gene that is responsible for the development of such abnormalities is a dominant one. The development of that child’s brother is normal. Specify the genotype of the healthy child:
Examination of the duodenal contents revealed some pear-shaped protozoa with two nuclei and four pairs of flagella. The organisms had also two axostyles between the nuclei and a ventral adhesive disc. What protozoan representative was found in the patient?
A man suffering from a hereditary disease married a healthy woman. They got 5 children, three girls and two boys. All the girls inherited their father’s disease. What is the type of the disease inheritance?
15. A couple has a son with haemophilia. The parents are healthy but the maternal grandfather also has haemophilia. Specify the type of inheritance:
Examination of newborns in one of the Ukrainian cities revealed a baby with phenylketonuria. The baby’s parents don’t suffer from this disease and have two other healthy children. Specify the most likely parents’ genotype with phenylketonuria gene:
Patients with similar complaints applied to the doctor: weakness, pain in the intestines, disorder of GIT. Examination of the faeces revealed that one patient with four nucleus cysts should be hospitalized immediately. For what protozoa are such cysts typical?
A female patient consulted a physician about digestive disorder, extended abdominal pain. Examination revealed drastic decrease in hemoglobin concentration. It is known from the anamnesis that while living in the Far East the patient used to eat freshly-salted caviar. Some relatives living with her had the similar condition. What is the most likely diagnosis?
· Diphyllobothrium latum causes diphyllobothriasis. A fish tapeworm. In contrast to the other cestodes, which have suckers , the scolex of D. latum has two elongated sucking grooves by which the worm attaches to the intestinal wall. Infection by D. latum causes little damage in the small intestine. In some individuals, megaloblastic anemia occurs as a result of vitamin B12 deficiency caused by preferential uptake of the vitamin by the worm. Transmission: ingestion of larvae from raw freshwater fish. Caviar is prepared from fish.
· Echinococcus granulosus causes Echinococcosis. It is composed of a scolex and only 3 proglottids, making it one of the smallest tapeworms. The scolex has a circle of hooks and 4 suckers similar to Taenia solium. Dogs are the most important definitive hosts. The intermediate hosts are usually sheep. Humans are almost always dead-end intermediate hosts. Transmission: ingestion of eggs from dog faeces. Disease – hydatid cysts in liver causing anaphylaxis if antigens released.
· Taeniasis: there are two important human pathogens in the genus Taenia: T. solium (pork tapeworm) and T. saginata (beef tapeworm)
· Trichiniasis (Trichinosis) is caused by Trichinella spiralis (nematode- roundworm). Transmission: fecal-oral; undercooked meat (especially pork). A few days after eating undercooked meat, usually pork, the patient experiences diarrhea followed by 1-2weeks later by fever, muscle pain, periorbital edema and eosinophilia.
· Ascaridiasis (Ascariasis) caused by Ascaris lumbricoides (giant roundworm). The major damage occurs during larval immigration rather than from the presence of the adult worm in the intestines. The principal sites of tissue reaction are the lungs, where inflammation with an eosinophilic exudates occurs in response to larval antigens. Ascaris pneumonia with fever, cough and eosinophilia can occur with a heavy larval burden.
19. 46 chromosomes were revealed on karyotype examination of the 5 year old girl. One of the 15th pair of chromosomes is longer than usual due to connected chromosome from the 21 pair. What type of mutation does this girl have?
20. During a prophylactic medical examination a 7-year-old boy was diagnosed with daltonism. His parents are healthy and have normal colour vision, but his grandfather on his mother’s side has the same abnormality. What is the type of the abnormality inheritance?
It is known that the gene responsible for development of blood groups according to AB0 system has three allele variants. If a man has IV blood group, it can be explained by the following variability form:
22. According to the phenotypic diagnosis a female patient has been provisionally diagnosed with X-chromosome polysomia. This diagnosis can be confirmed by a cytogenetic method. What karyotype will allow to confirm the diagnosis?
A patient complains of skin itch, especially between fingers, in the inguinal creases, on the lower abdomen. Examination of these regions revealed there some small vesicles. Laboratory diagnostics allowed to establish that this condition had been caused by a representative of Arthropoda. Specify the disease caused by this arthropod:
Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite – Sarcoptes scabiei. A person may become infected either by direct contact with a sick individual (including sexual contact) or by indirect one (when the bed clothes, underwear or bed is shared). Commonly the skin eruptions are localized on the interdigital folds of hands, on the lateral surfaces of fingers, flexible surfaces of wrist joint, on the skin of forearms, shoulders, chest, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Itching is the first and essential symptom of scabies. The pruritic lesions result from a delayed hypersensitivity reaction to the faeces of the mite. The mite is located within the stratum corneum of the epidermis. At the sites of entry and exit of mites double morphologic elements of rash, more often microvesicles, papules, blisters or pustules, multiple scratches and excoriations and small sanguinolent crusts are formed.
Cytogenetic examination of a patient with dysfunction of the reproductive system revealed normal karyotype 46,ХУ in some cells, but most cells have Klinefelter’s syndrome karyotype - 47,ХХУ. Such phenomenon of cell inhomogeneity is called:
Life cycle of a cell includes a process of DNA autoreduplication. As a result of this process monochromatid chromosomes become bichromatid. This phenomenon is observed within the following period of the cell cycle:
A cell at the stage of mitosis anaphase was stimulated by colchicine that inhibits chromosome separation to the poles. What type of mutation will be caused?
Examination of duodenal contents revealed some pyriform protozoa with twin nuclei and four pairs of flagella. There were two supporting filaments between the nuclei and a suctorial disc on the ventral side. What representative of protozoa was revealed in this patient?
A shepherd who has tended sheep together with dogs consulted a doctor about pain in his right subcostal area, nausea, vomiting. Roentgenoscopy revealed a tumour-like formation. What kind of helminthiasis might be suspected?
· Echinococcus granulosus causes Echinococcosis. It is composed of a scolex and only 3 proglottids, making it one of the smallest tapeworms. The scolex has a circle of hooks and 4 suckers similar to Taenia solium. Dogs are the most important definitive hosts. The intermediate hosts are usually sheep. Humans are almost always dead-end intermediate hosts. Transmission: ingestion of eggs from dog faeces. Disease – hydatid cysts in liver causing anaphylaxis if antigens released.
· Diphyllobothrium latum causes diphyllobothriasis. A fish tapeworm. In contrast to the other cestodes, which have suckers , the scolex of D. latum has two elongated sucking grooves by which the worm attaches to the intestinal wall. Infection by D. latum causes little damage in the small intestine. In some individuals, megaloblastic anemia occurs as a result of vitamin B12 deficiency caused by preferential uptake of the vitamin by the worm. Transmission: ingestion of larvae from raw freshwater fish. Caviar is prepared from fish.
· Taeniasis: there are two important human pathogens in the genus Taenia: T. solium (pork tapeworm) and T. saginata (beef tapeworm)
· Trichiniasis (Trichinosis) is caused by Trichinella spiralis (nematode- roundworm). Transmission: fecal-oral; undercooked meat (especially pork). A few days after eating undercooked meat, usually pork, the patient experiences diarrhea followed by 1-2weeks later by fever, muscle pain, periorbital edema and eosinophilia.
· Ascaridiasis (Ascariasis) caused by Ascaris lumbricoides (giant roundworm). The major damage occurs during larval immigration rather than from the presence of the adult worm in the intestines. The principal sites of tissue reaction are the lungs, where inflammation with an eosinophilic exudates occurs in response to larval antigens. Ascaris pneumonia with fever, cough and eosinophilia can occur with a heavy larval burden.
Sex chromosomes of a woman didn’t separate and move to the opposite poles of a cell during gametogenesis (meiosis). The ovum was impregnated with a normal spermatozoon. Which chromosomal disease can be found in her child?
In meiosis, two members of a pair of homologous chromosomes normally separate during the first meiotic division, so that each daughter cell receives one member of each pair. Sometimes, however, separation does not occur (nondisjunction) and both members of a pair move into one cell. As a result of nondisjunction of the chromosomes, one cell receives 24 chromosomes and the other receives 22 instead of the normal 23. When at fertilization, a gamete having 23 chromosomes (spermatozoon) fuses with a gamete having 24 or 22 chromosomes, the result is an individual with either 47 chromosomes (47 XXX – trisomy X) or 45 chromosomes (45 XO – monosomy X, Turner’s syndrome). In women, the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities including nondisjunction, increases with age especially at 35years and older.
Examination of an 18-year-old girl revealed the following features: hypoplasia of the ovaries, broad shoulders, narrow pelvis, shortening of the lower extremities, \\\"sphinx neck\\\". Mental development is normal. The girl was diagnosed with Turner’s syndrome. What kind of chromosome abnormality is it?
These characterize Turner’s syndrome (XO). It can be complete monosomy (45,XO) or mosaicism (e.g. 45,XO/46,XX).
In meiosis, two members of a pair of homologous chromosomes normally separate during the first meiotic division, so that each daughter cell receives one member of each pair. Sometimes, however, separation does not occur (nondisjunction) and both members of a pair move into one cell. As a result of nondisjunction of the chromosomes, one cell receives 24 chromosomes and the other receives 22 instead of the normal 23. When at fertilization, a gamete having 23 chromosomes (spermatozoon) fuses with a gamete having 24 or 22 chromosomes, the result is an individual with either 47 chromosomes (47 XXX – trisomy X) or 45 chromosomes (45 XO – monosomy X, Turner’s syndrome). In women, the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities including nondisjunction, increases with age especially at 35 years and older.
Hypertrichosis is the Y-linked character. The father has hypertrichosis, and the mother is healthy. In this family, the probability of having a child with hypertrichosis is:
A 35-year-old male patient has been referred by an andrologist for the genetic counselling for the deviations of physical and mental development. Objectively: the patient is tall, has asthenic constitution, gynecomastia, mental retardation. Microscopy of the oral mucosa cells revealed sex chromatin (single Barr body) in 30% of cells. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Healthy parents with unremarkable family history have the child with multiple developmental defects. Cytogenetic analysis revealed the trisomy 13 in the somatic cells (Patau syndrome). What phenomenon has caused the defects?
ExplanationIn preparation for fertilization, germ cells undergo gametogenesis, which includes meiosis, to reduce the number of chromosomes. Chromosomal abnormalities may be numerical or structural. Abnormalities in chromosome number may originate during meiotic or mitotic divisions. In meiosis, two members of a pair of homologous chromosomes normally separate during the first meiotic division, so that each daughter cell receives one member of each pair. Sometimes, however, separation does not occur (nondisjunction) and both members of a pair move into one cell. As a result of nondisjunction of the chromosomes, one cell receives 24 chromosomes and the other receives 22 instead of the normal 23. When at fertilization a gamete having 23 chromosomes fuses with a gamete having 24 or 22 chromosomes, the result is an individual with either 47 chromosomes (e.g.trisomy 13, 18,21, klinefelter) or 45 chromosomes (monosomy – 45 XO turner’s syndrome). Nondisjunction which occurs during either the first or the second meiotic division of the germ cells, may involve the autosomes (trisomy 13,18,21) or sex chromosomes (turner’s and klinefelter’s syndrome).
If nondisjunction occurs during mitosis (mitotic nondisjunction) – such conditions produce mosaicism, with some cells having an abnormal chromosome number and others being normal. Therefore abnormal gametogenesis can produce nondisjunction.
A pregnant woman underwent AB0 blood typing. Red blood cells were agglutinated with standard sera of the I and II blood groups, and were not agglutinated with the III group serum. What is the patient’s blood group?
Mother of a boy who had recently returned from a summer camp found some small whitish insects up to 3 mm long on the child’s clothing. Specify the parasite:
A mother had taken synthetic hormones during pregnancy. Her daughter was born with hirsutism formally resembling of adrenal syndrome. Such manifestation of variability is called:
Students study the stages of gametogenesis. They analyze a cell having a haploid number of chromosomes, and each chromosome consists of two chromatids. The chromosomes are located in the equatorial plane of the cell. Such situation is typical for the following stage of meiosis:
A specimen of an onion rootlet includes a cell in which the fully condensed chromosomes are located in the equatorial plane making the monaster. What phase of the mitotic cycle is the cell in?
A patient consulted a physician about chest pain, cough, fever. Roentgenography of lungs revealed eosinophilic infiltrates which were found to contain the larvae. What kind of helminthiasis are these presentations typical for?
Analysis of the family history of children with Van der Woude syndrome revealed that in their families one of the parents had the typical for this syndrome defects (cleft lip and palate, lip pits regardless of gender). What is the type of inheritance of this syndrome?
Medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office revealed that a 15-year-old boy was high, with eunuchoid body proportions, gynecomastia, female pattern of pubic hair distribution. The boy had also fat deposits on the thighs, no facial hair, high voice, subnormal intelligence quotient. Which karyotype corresponds with this disease?
Barr body is an inactive X-chromosome. So a boy (XY) with an inactive X-chromosome must have an additional X-chromosome – XXY (Klinefelter’s syndrome). Causes :
* nondisjunction (maternal and paternal nondisjunction in meiosis I)
* Mosaicism: with the karyotype being 46, XY/47, XXY
Manifestations: gynecomastia, female pattern of pubic hair distribution, no facial hair, high voice.
One of the parents is suspected of having phenylketonuria recessive gene. What is the risk of giving birth to a child with inborn phenylketonuria?
While studying maximally spiralized chromosomes of human karyotype the process of cell division was stopped in the following phase:
A patient consulted an urologist about pain during urination. Analysis of his urine taken in the daytime revealed eggs with a characteristic sharp point. It is known from the anamnesis that the patient has recently returned from Australia. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Before a surgery a blood sample of a 30-year-old man has been typed. Blood is Rh-positive. Standard serums of such groups as 0 αβ (I), Аβ (II), Вα (III) didn’t activate erythrocyte agglutination reaction. The group of the analyzed blood is:
A patient working at a pig farm complains about paroxysmal abdominal pain, liquid feces with admixtures of mucus and blood, headache, weakness, fever. Examination of large intestine revealed ulcers from 1 mm up to several cm large, feces contained oval unicellular organisms with cilia. What disease should be suspected?
It was found out that some compounds, for instance fungi toxins and some antibiotics can inhibit activity of RNA-polymerase. What process will be disturbed in a cell in case of inhibition of this enzyme?
Examination of a 12-year-old boy with developmental lag revealed achondroplasia: disproportional constitution with evident shortening of upper and lower limbs as a result of growth disorder of epiphyseal cartilages of long tubal bones. This disease is:
A 28-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist about sterility. Examination revealed underdeveloped ovaries and uterus, irregular menstrual cycle. Analysis of the sex chromatin revealed 2 Barr’s bodies in most somatic cells. What chromosome disease is most likely?
On an electron micrograph a scientist has identified a structure formed by eight histone proteins and a part of DNA molecule which makes about 1,75 revolutions around the molecules. Which structure has been identified?
A male patient has fever and enanthesis. As a result of the examination involving serological tests he has been diagnosed with fasciola hepatica. It was found out that the patient had been infected through raw river water. Which stage of fasciola life cycle is invasive for humans?
A patient presents with acne and inflammatory alterations of facial skin. Microscopial investigation of lesion foci has revealed live arthropods sized 0,2-0,5 mm. They have prolate vermiform form and four pairs of thin short limbs located in the middle part of the body. The revealed arthropods cause:
During regular examination of schoolchildren it was revealed that a 10 year old girl had asymmetric oval eggs with a larva in the scrape from her perianal folds. What diagnosis should be made?
54. A patient has acne on his face. Microscopic examination of scrapings from the affected areas revealed living porrect vermiform arthropoda 0,2-0,5 mm large with four pairs of short extremities in the front part of their bodies. What is the laboratory diagnosis?
A family of students who came from Africa got a child with anemia signs. The child died soon. Examination revealed that the child’s erythrocytes have abnormal semilunar shape. Specify genotypes of the child’s parents:
A patient working at a pig farm complains about paroxysmal abdominal pain, liquid feces with admixtures of mucus and blood, headache, weakness, fever. Examination of large intestine revealed ulcers from 1 mm up to several cm large, feces contained oval unicellular organisms with cilia. What disease should be suspected?
Normal, actively dividing cells of human red bone marrow are analyzed. What number of cells’ chromosomes is typical for G1 period?
A couple had a child with Down’s disease. Mother is 42 years old. This disease is most probably caused by the following impairment of prenatal development:
An alcoholic woman has born a girl with mental and physical developmental lag. Doctors diagnosed the girl with fetal alcohol syndrome. What effect is the cause of the girl’s state?
A doctor revealed tissues injury on patient’s scalp with localized suppurations and diagnosed his disease as myiasis. This infestation is caused by larvae of the following insect:
61. A married couple consulted a specialist at the genetic consultation about probability of having children with hemophilia. Both spouses are healthy, but the wife’s father has hemophilia. In this family hemophilia may be passed to:
62. In the perianal folds of a 5-year-old girl her mother has found some white \"worms\" that caused itch and anxiety in the child. The \\\\\\\"worms\\\\\\\" were sent to the laboratory. During examination the physician saw white filiform helminths 0,5-1 cm long, with pointed ends, some helminths had twisted ends. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A woman delivered a dead child with multiple developmental defects. What protozoan disease might have caused the intrauterine death?
64. You are studying functioning of a bacteria operon. The operator gene has been released from the repressor gene. Immediately after this the following process will start in the cell:
A married couple came to the genetic counseling. The husband suffers from the insulin-dependent diabetes, the wife is healthy. What is the probability that this couple will have an insulin-dependent child?
While on holiday in the countryside a boy found a spider with the following morphological peculiarities: body length of 2 cm, round black abdomen with two rows of red dots on its dorsal surface, four pairs of segmented extremities covered with tiny black hairs. Identify this arthropod:
A man has worked in an African country for 3 years. A month after his return to Ukraine he consulted an ophthalmologist and complained about eye ache, eyelid edema, lacrimation and temporary visual impairment. Underneath the eye conjunctiva the doctor revealed helminths 30-50 mm long with elongated filiform body. What diagnosis might be suspected?
Loa Loa filariasis also known as loiasis or African eyeworm. Humans are infected by the bite of the deer fly (mango fly), chrysops, which deposits infective larvae on the skin. The larvae enter the wound, wander in the body and develop into adults. The females release microfilariae that enter the blood, particularly during the day. There is no inflammatory response to the microfilariae or adults, but a hypersensitivity reaction causes transient, localized, nonerythematous, subcutaneous edema (calabar swellings). The most dramatic finding is an adult worm crawling across the conjunctiva of the eye, a harmless but disconcerting event. The disease is found only in tropical central and west Africa, the habitat of the vector Chrysops.
It was proved that a molecule of immature mRNA (precursor mRNA) contained more triplets than amino acids found in the synthesized protein. The reason for that is that translation is normally preceded by:
The territory of an old burial ground for animal refuse that hasn’t been used for over 50 years is meant for house building. But soil investigation showed the presence of viable spores of a causative agent causing a very dangerous disease. What microorganism might have been preserved in soil for such a long period of time?
There are two medically important Bacillus species: Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus. Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax. Human disease occurs in 3 main forms: cutaneous, pulmonary (inhalation) and gastrointestinal. Humans are most often infected cutaneously at the time of trauma to the skin, which allows the spores on animal products such as hides, bristles and wool to enter. Spores can also be inhaled or when contaminated meat is ingested. After being inhaled, the organism moves rapidly to the mediastinal lymph nodes and causes hemorrhagic mediastinitis. Pathogenesis is based on the production of two exotoxins (Anthrax toxin) – edema factor and lethal factor. Hemorrhagic mediastinitis, septic shock hemorrhagic meningitis and death are severe life-threatening complications. In fatal cases, the organism may affect the spleen, liver, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands and meninges.
Examination of a 12 year old boy with developmental lag revealed achondroplasia: disproportional constitution with evident shortening of upper and lower limbs as a result of growth disorder of epiphyseal cartilages of long tubal bones. This disease is:
A boy has I (I 0I0 ) blood group and his sister has IV (I A IB ) blood group. What blood groups do their parents have?
72. Hartnup disease is caused by point mutation of only one gene which results in disturbance of tryptophane absorption in the bowels and its resorption in the renal tubules. It is the reason for disorder of both digestive and urination systems. What genetic phenomenon is observed in this case?
According to the data of WHO, for about 250 mln of Earth population fall ill with malaria. This disease is mostly spread in tropical and subtropical regions. Range of its spread falls into the areal of the following mosquitoes:
74. In some regions of South Africa there is a spread sickle-shaped cell anemia, in which erythrocytes have shape of a sickle as a result of substitution of glutamin by valine in the hemoglobin molecule. What is the cause of this disease?
A 32 y.o. man is tall, he has gynecomastia, adult woman pattern of hair distribution, high voice, mental deficiency, sterility. Provisional diagnosis is Klinefelter’s syndrome. In order to specify diagnosis it is necessary to analyze:
Autopsy of a newborn boy revealed polydactylia, microcephalia, cheiloschisis and uranoschisis as well as hypertrophy of parenchymatous organs. These defects correspond with the description of Patau’s syndrome. What is the most probable cause of this pathology?
77. The first grade pupils were examined in order to sort out children for tuberculosis revaccination. What test was applied for this purpose?
A patient has symptoms of inflammation of urogenital tracts. Examination of a vaginal smear revealed big monocellular, pear-shaped organisms with the pointed spike at the posterior end of body, big nucleus and undulating membrane. What protozoa were found in the smear?
A patient complains of pain in the area of his liver. Duodenal intubation revealed yellowish, oval, narrowed at the poles eggs with an operculum at the end. Size of these eggs is the smallest among all helminth eggs. What is the most probable diagnosis?
80. In course of practical training students studied a stained blood smear of a mouse with bacteria phagocyted by leukocytes. What cell organella completes digestion of these bacteria?
Lysosomes are small organelles containing digestive enzymes, their derivatives include phagosomes, phagolysosomes, autophagosomes and autophagolysosomes. Lysosomes are digestive organelles rich in hydrolytic enzymes such as proteases, nucleases, glucosidases, lipases and phospholipases. 3 pathways for digestion exist:
· Extracellular large particles such as bacteria, cell debris and other foreign materials are engulfed in the process of phagocytosis. A phagosome, formed as the material is internalized within the cytoplasm, subsequently fuses with a lysosome to create a phagolysosome.
· Extracellular small particles such as extracellular proteins, plasma membrane proteins and ligand-receptor complexes are internalized by endocytosis and receptor mediated endocytosis.
· Intracellular particles such as entire organelles, cytoplasmic proteins and other cellular components – autophagy.
Slime, blood and protozoa 30-200 microns long have been revealed in a man’s feces. The body is covered with cilias and has correct oval form with a little bit narrowed anterior and wide round shaped posterior end. At the anterior end a mouth is visible. In cytoplasm there are two nuclei and two short vacuoles. What are the described features typical for?
82. A man who was bitten by the unknown dog applied to the surgeon. Wide ragged wounds were localized on the face. What curative-prophylactic aid should be given to prevent rabies?
A sick man with high temperature and a lot of tiny wounds on the body has been admitted to the hospital. Lice have been found in the folds of his clothing. What disease can be suspected?
A patient with suspicion on epidemic typhus was admitted to the hospital. Some arachnids and insects have been found in his flat. Which of them may be a carrier of the pathogen of epidemic typhus?
85. A businessman came to India from South America. On examination the physician found that the patient was suffering from sleeping-sickness. What was the way of invasion?
86. Hypertrychosis of auricles is caused by a gene that is localized in Y-chromosome. Father has this feature. What is the probability to give birth to a boy with such anomaly?
A tissue sample of benign tumor was studied under the electron microscope. A lot of small (15-20 nm) spherical bodies, consisting of 2 unequal subunits were detected. These are:
Parents with an ill child consulted an infectionist. They had been working in one of Asian countries for a long time. The child has sallow skin, loss of appetite, laxity, enlarged liver, spleen, peripheral lymph nodes. What protozoal illness can be suspected?
Healthy parents have got a fair-haired, blue-eyed girl. Irritability, anxiety, sleep and feeding disturbance developed in the first months of the infant’s life. Neurological examination revealed developmental lag. What method of genetic investigation should be used for the exact diagnosis?
Part of the DNA chain turned 180 degree as a result of gamma radiation. What type of mutation took place in the DNA chain?
91. Analysis of amniotic fluid that was obtained as a result of amniocentesis (puncture of amniotic sac) revealed cells the nuclei of which contain sex chromatin (Barr’s body). What can it be evidence of?
A woman with 0 (I) blood group has born a child with AB blood group. This woman’s husband has A blood group. What genetic interaction explains this phenomenon?